Our Locations
Finding Your Location
East Campus
Main Campus
The student entrance at both campuses is located at the back of the building in the parking lot. The student entrances lock 10 minutes before the start of class. If your class starts at 9:00AM, then the doors will be locked at 8:50AM. If your class starts at 1:00PM, the doors will be locked at 12:50PM. If you arrive after the doors are locked, you will be required to reschedule your class and pay a rescheduling fee. Please ensure when travelling to either campus you account for weather and traffic conditions.
Students are not allowed to enter through the front doors at either location. Front entrances are dedicated to checking in models and clients at the spa and distributor showroom.
*Models may park at the front of the building at each campus. There is a parking lot located at the front of the Main Campus and street parking in front of the building at East Campus for models.*