November 24, 2021
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Winter Break: December 20 - January 3, 2022
Student Newsletters paused from December 15 - January 3, 2022
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In Class Reminder: Smart Devices Cell phones and smart devices are not permitted in class unless otherwise instructed by your instructor. Smart devices are disruptive and disrespectful to your fellow students and the faculty.
Students with cell phones or smart devices (Apple Watches) who are using these devices inappropriately in class will have their phone confiscated (returned at the end of the class) and or be asked to leave the class.
In case of emergency, please provide your loved ones with the number to the location you are at, and our staff will ensure that you are notified. If students would like to take before and after photos during class, we ask that they notify the instructor and the instructor will arrange time to do so.
Students who refuse to respect our cell phone policy will be asked by the instructor to leave the class and the student will be required to re-enroll and pay the rescheduling fees incurred. (Pg. 20, S.21A) | |
Classes just added! Scroll below to the "class added" section to review all new dates added for: Classes, Webinars and Student Spa! (New Facial Class & Webinars Added for December!!) | |
Are you interested in evening classes? | |
The European Institute of Esthetics is proud to announce that we are a 2022 Top Choice Award Nominee! WOOHOO! Now, we need your help to WIN! Voting is now open and if you feel that we have earned your vote, we would appreciate your support. 🙏 Winning the Top Choice Award is one of the largest endorsements a business can receive within North America, so this is a BIG deal!
Your vote will automatically enter you into a draw for a chance to win 1 of 4 cash prizes of $500 given out by Top Choice Awards! 💰
Voting ends December 20th, 2021 at noon EST. If you believe we are your Top Choice, show us some love and help us spread the word! Thank you for your time and we appreciate your vote! 💜 P.S your written feedback in the survey is very important to us, as it allows us to know what you love about us and what we can improve to continue serving you every day and providing the best customer experience possible. Many thanks in advance! #itrustlocal #supportlocal #mytopchoice #topchoiceawards #topchoice2022
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New Updates! Things you need to know:
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Dec 6, 2021 12:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Gain access live to leading experts in the field of esthetics. Join Repêchage® CEO and Founder Lydia Sarfati and special guest speakers for a VIRTUAL POWER LUNCH.
3 attendees will win* a 1 hour business consultation with Lydia Sarfati as well as a FREE copy of her book, SUCCESS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS: HOW TO SUCCEED IN THE SKIN CARE BUSINESS
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DECEMBER 1, 2021
EIE Training Centre has adjusted and shifted Webinars to be available as registered classes through the new booking portal Vagaro. At this time all webinars are only available through preregistration into the webinar course.
Starting December 1, 2021 any rescheduling/last minute cancellation, etc will be subject to a rescheduling fee for your webinar course. Please ensure to follow all rescheduling and booking policies to avoid any rescheduling fees.
If you are unsure of how to reschedule your classes, please review our FAQ and student knowledge base and review our Vagaro resources and walk-through for assistance. | |
Theory & Practical Additions/Changes:
*For accurate information please refer to your Webinar ZOOM page for all ZOOM webinars, and your Vagaro (Practical booking system) for all available practical training dates.
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Practical Dates!
- Facials Level 1: Dec 13-16
- Body Contouring with MPR - Dec 2
- Advanced Facials - December 6 - 9
Artificial Nails L1 Exam - December 6 Artificial Nails L2 - November 22 Chemical Peel L1 - November 16 - 18 Chemical Peel L2 - November 22 Derma Needling - November 23 - 24 Dermaplaning - December 1 - 2 Eyelash Extensions L1 - Dec 7 - 8 IPL - Nov 23 - 25 LTR - December 7 - 8 Laser Theory - December 6 MDA - December 6-8 Manicures - December 9-10
Polish Up Your Life - December 10 Makeup Artistry - January 11-13, 2022
Student Spa Dates More dates coming soon!
December 14 in AM and PM availability for MDA (MICRODERMABRASION)
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Webinars! More dates coming soon!
November 23: Facials L1 Lessons 4-7
Body Treatments
December 3 Facials L1 Lessons 1-3 Facials L1 Lessons 4-7 Advanced Facials Chemical Peel Relaxation Massage
December 9 Advanced Facials Facials L1 Lessons 1-3 Facials L1 Lessons 4-7 Chemical Peel L1 - Dermaplaning Microdermabrasion
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Class Webinars
Webinars require students to register for a session on Vagaro (the class booking portal).
Students can search and book available webinar sessions in the same manner as booking in class training. This new method of booking your webinars will allow you to easily view if webinar dates conflict with any other in class training, as well as send you reminders about the upcoming webinar. You'll also now receive links to join via email or via text message! Make sure you update your profile to opt in for text reminders if you would like to take advantage of this feature.
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Turn on notifications: Vagaro
To receive notifications/reminders/rescheduling and class cancellations it is required for students to turn on notifications to opt in.
You can do this by logging into your Vagaro Booking account and click "My Profile" in these settings you can then access your "Notification Settings".
When in notification settings, turn on Email, and Text so that you are subscribed! | |
Student Spa Available! Do you need to complete your in-class model requirements due to a model no show? We are here for you and want to help! | |
Room Rentals Available! Do you need a room or space to complete your quotas We are here for you and want to help! | |
Our facility has created designated spaces for students to complete their quotas. These spaces are available for rent by any EIE student. We have created these spaces so that EIE students may book a space on campus grounds separate from their homes, to complete any/all quotas.
Room Rentals are now available to all current EIE students with the rates of: $30.00 for 2 HR Bookings
We hope that this available space provides peace of mind to our student body knowing that they have a space, other then there personal accommodations, to complete their class quotas.
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Have you graduated and received your certification or diploma for your program/courses?
Don't forget to tag us on social in your posts so we can feature you and share in your excitement!
Tag us: @eie_training_centre
Ft: @skinbykayly_yyc | | | |
Have Questions? Search your questions through the available articles on the FAQ and Student Knowlege base!
Students can search through previously asked questions and can find answers or help for their current situations or troubleshooting needs. Click below to search through the articles! | |
Need support? Book a technical support ZOOM appointment to resolve your technical errors. OR book a call with our Student Advisors for questions not related to your course that you need support on.
Visit our website & click "Book A Call" In the appointment options click "Book Technical Support" | |
+ Don't forget to update your full address! Your full address should include your street, province, and postal code!
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Have feedback on your course? We'd love to hear! Submit your feedback for your course directly in your course on the student portal. In the course you will find a section titled "Overall Course Feedback Form". Any feedback regarding your course, materials or learning experience can be submitted here.
We look forward to hearing your experience and reviewing your submissions! | |